Blurgs, Hairless Man-Apes!

First, found eyes of Joe Biden distracting, have work done and look like Gemini. You see side-by-side? You see. Yes.
Now, you friend Ookla no can stand Gemini. One too many close calls with Thundarr. But think Biden won debate. No can see how even big-forehead man Paul Begala say lady "accomplished goals." Is whole world upside down like after runaway comet?

Ookla think it just 'cause Palin attractive to puny men. They all so blowdried and made-up now, they act like sissies when see real man -- even if is woman. Palin all talkie-talk. What happen to lady from convention? Think old man who no can lift Sun Sword over head fill her head with all word-words. Where was call for blood of enemies, Ookla ask as example.
Talkie young Obama complain McCain no mention "middle-class" in debate, so he lose. Now, Ookla not understand, because he only know few words to speak and yet SURE he win any debate.
Anyway, Ookla take up challenge. No hear following words in debate: entrails, flay, sever, decapitate, brains, murder, destroy, vengeance, pound, burn, castrate -- or even good old fashioned bluuuuuuuuuuurgh!
Biden way ahead on points, but then even he blow at last minute, get all weepy-weepy. That must is why he no take going bald like man, get fur-plugs, cap teeth. Bluuuuuuurgh! Ookla know this not sit well with metrosexual crowd, but not CARE to see man cry -- or woman. Mok not even have tear ducts. Well, take that back: have, but in ceremony week after birth, moile burns out. Yes, moile. Done at same time as circumcision.
Moks all Jewish, why you surprised? Oh, Ookla not look Jewish? That not right. Sammy Davis Jr. not look Jewish, either.
By the way, Ookla not get ONE Rosh Hashanna card.
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