Blurgs, pathetic-muscled humans.
Is Ookla, you favorite pundit-Mok.

Look, you know and Ookla know truth: Lehrer not amount to dragon turd without MacNeil. MacNeil carry whole show for years; now Gwen Ifill carry Lehrer.
And tell you something else: Lehrer no fool nobody with super-brown dyed hair. All fakey-fake. Plus, face puffy, look no like man. Look more like Alice from Brady Bunch.
Anyway, debate was stupid. That bottom line. Hear all spinny-spin after.
McCain at least no look so whitey-white in skin. Know he have spell of age or something on him, but seem better tonight. Look only in mid-90's, ha ha. Obama, all stumble-stumble, so that not good for him. Ookla admit he find self missing Ross Perot. Little man always funny -- and look tasty, be able to devour all in one bite.
Also, Perot have folksy metaphors, "Get under hood, fix car, make go vroom," and like. No get that tonight. Get some yappy and challenging.
Ookla angry not see any blood. Not one drop! So angry, but can't threaten or Secret Service hassle Ookla.
Bottom line is still same: Ookla not vote for either man. Ookla vote for Thundarr. Not even care that Thundarr no polling above 1%, going to "throw vote away."
You want Mok answer to terrorism? Ookla tell you. Go into every country that look at you crossways, and smash things down to tiny pieces size of gooseberries. Smash, smash, kill, kill, kill. That Ookla answer.
Oh, and torture? Boohoo! No let anyone tell you torture no work. Ookla tell you from experience, you want intelligence, you do this way: bite one finger off at time. Tell you one thing, never need get to second thumb and man start singing like Tammy Wynette.
Ookla watch more coverage now. Already angry at stupid talkie-talkers, but still watch, better to report back you loyal reader.