How does this financial crisis compare to the crisis in 1994, when a runaway planet hurtled between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction?
Gemini the Evil Wizard

See you put on all nicey-nicey face for you ask question, not angry face what sound like low-rent Fred Flintstone -- later seasons, too, with stupid Gazoo. Jump shark, and no cool shark with laser beams on head.
Stupid two-faced Gemini never be nobody without runaway planet, probably be car salesman -- ha ha. They two-faced, too.
Ookla no like Gemini, since can no even Blurgh when Gemini around. Not know why. Must be magic.
Run away planet clearly caused by Wonder Woman she Invisible Jet. Sound same. Ookla watch opening credits many time.
Wall Street flooded after calamity, and man stupid weak society cast in ruin. This crisis not nothing compare that, despite what Al Gore say all worry floody-flood. Not that Mok like water, but also not think doughy beard shouty-man can to fix. Him not even wizard.
Anyway, Gemini, maybe you come over Ookla cave we talk more -- ha ha. You come alone, no weapons, just to talk. You try? Good. Hope you enjoy feel of Sun Sword enema.
Yours Blurghly,