I always hear that there's a Thundarr movie in the works, but then the buzz fades away? What gives? Is Princess Ariel holding out for more money?
Your in Loving Sorcery,
The Evil Wizard Uncle Sabian.

You question Ookla hear often, so tired of hearing he swear gnaw lips off next man what ask. Since you ask over email, though, you safe -- and Ookla tell.
Ariel into role -- willing take any role, to tell you truth. She put on real weight after show end, go into downward spiral like Grace Lee Whitney. Do some soft core breathy-breathy films. You find on YouTube.
Thundarr own all original rights is problem, and not want let anyone else play role -- but he all tubby too. No longer "lift Sun Sword" so easily, if you know what Mok mean.
But Ookla, he always game for movie. Suggest pilot, swear can carry whole show -- not like baby-hand sissy Ohio-boy in R*A*D*A*R -- but networks execs no bite. Maybe that 'cause Ookla bite them first. Not know. Hollywood types all gabby-gabby. No can trust.
Hope this answer you question, and thank you writing Ookla.