Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Middle Name For Son?

Dear Ookla,

Hey there! I was pretty excited to find your site this morning, but it looks like you haven't posted since October of last year. Which is a shame since I have a question only you can help me with. Oh what the Hell, I'll ask you anyway...Ookla, I am expecting my first born son in 4 months and my wife and I still haven't picked out a middle name. Our friends and family have been of no help, so I'm turning to you for advice. The boy's first name is Quinn...what do you think his middle name should be?

Hope to hear from you soon, Mr. C
Blurgs Mr. C.

Ookla no update since October ‘cause not get questions. Also, busy going through vetting process for Secretary of Commerce. Ookla grilled hard by Senate committee over failure to pay taxes, had to lose temper and devour seven talky-talk suit-men before Capitol Hill Police stun Ookla with taser. All covered up by media, and Ookla not get position, but not Ookla loss. Is loss for country. DC suck anyway. Ookla pass through in episode “The Brotherhood of Night,” and almost get killed by werewolf villagers. Not care if never go back, especially since not plow streets, all residents scardy-scared of little white stuff.

First, Ookla happy hear you having kitten. But only one in litter? And Ookla bet like other humans you have only one wife at time. That not the life for Mok. Ookla want be free to do mating dance with any female he want. Enough Mok to go around, ladies, so not discriminate.

Downside is, in twenty years Ookla have to put thirty-six Mok kittens through college if live that long. But Ookla not likely to live that long. Ookla hope to die in ferocious battle for noble cause long before then, taking up Sun Sword with Thundarr to oppose “sea of outrageous fortunes.” Then again, Ookla approaching thirty.

So, enough talky-talk and to you question: What middle name for you kitten? Wonder why you no ask Ookla for advice on first name, and why you ask family and friends for middle name before Ookla, but you hairless man-ape and can’t always do smart thing right off bat. That you ask now show you probably one of few humans who escape rampaging wizard to warn Thundarr, advance plot.

First name is Quinn. Okay. Kid going to forever be saying, “With two Ns.” So may eventually choose to go by middle name. This make middle name important. Since most Mok names not pronounceable by human tongue, you may have rip out child tongue and you tongue to use Mok name. You probably think that too painy-pain to do, plus not taste steak anymore. That important. One of few pleasures in miserable life.

Perhaps you consider name “Thundarr”? Creed, not laugh! When you family and friends complain, you point out that they not come up with jack – or even Jack Tripper – for name. Or maybe you ask other kids to name new kitten. Know this you first kitten, but why not ask kids in neighborhood?

Once, around campfire, Ariel tell story of woman two decades before runaway moon in 1994. She have six children when find she in pudding club for seventh. So she let kittens she have name new brother. Seventh child now bears proud name: Steve Austin Driscoll. Now that name to inspire fear and respect, especially if you fembot – and Ookla run into lots evil robots. Tell you, that come in handy, although Steve Austin only have one bionic arm. Feel bad Rudy Wells so cheap. If Ookla ever meet, he help Steve by ripping off puny flesh arm so he have all four limbs bionic like race car driver Barney Hiller.

Yes, Barney Hiller sound like Barney Miller -- and, yes, that is name.

You blame me? Maybe you not in position to pick on writers in 70’s for naming bit characters when you can’t name son. Yeah, you see now is hard. Also make point that name important. Hiller cost million more than Steve Austin, yet name is lame so not matter that he bench-press twice as much. Better to have no name than crappy name.

By the way, Ookla not vain, but you be welcome to use name Ookla. However, McFarlane Toys and Ruby-Spears Productions have rights. Ookla foolishly sell away own name in 80’s when just young and foolish, have same crappy agent as Billy Joel. You know song “Piano Man”? Yeah, Ookla meet Joel in bar (always find Joel’s in bars, you ever notice?) when he write that song.

Ookla have same experience, only flip out when no one put bread in jar after hear Ookla sing. When red-haze-of-berserker-rage wear off, Real Estate Novelist, Davy, Jon the Bartender, and slutty waitress all lay dead in maroon pools of blood at Ookla feet claws.

Ookla like ramble, you thinking about now. Well, yes, but you ask question of Mok on important issue, and that not so easy. Let focus now. In Mok culture, not believe in naming kittens after fruit or bottle caps or numbers – and don’t pick just because “like name.” No. Pick name of relative, great warrior or leader. Middle name good for this: William Tecumseh Sherman. Or maybe Thor. If you kick enough ass, usually have only one name: Thor, Superman, Ike. Just not be like idiot who pick Hitler, okay? Okay.

Name – first, middle, last – supposed to inspire fear and respect. Quinn, wish could mock, but K-sound is strong sound. Not Dave or Steve or Reginald. Not great, mind you, but could be lot worse. So you maybe trust instincts for middle name.

Maybe pick name of historical figure, give child head start on history lesson that won’t be taught in school? Quinn Lincoln? Remember, Lincoln stone head still last two thousand years in future when I ride by on trusty Equart. Never know, maybe people confuse, think you son free slaves instead of work mid-level job in accounting.

So Ookla not going to do this for you. Clearly, hard part already done. You have kitten and name to call other than “Hey you!” What else matter? Stop asking family and friends what they think, ‘cause that only screw you over you pick one in tribe over other. They all fighty-fight, get hissy – plus whoever you pick then think they have claim on kitten, call you son that name all time instead of Quinn. What if Quinn hate middle name?

No, no, no. That typical hairless-ape folly. Try be all nice and worry what other people think. Choice is you and you wife – and know what? Mok society require only ONE name. Since you ask Mok, you obviously revere Mok, so go with no name. Is precedent, again, from you own human leaders.

Thundarr not have middle name. (Does have last name: Liebowitz. Peek under loin cloth and you see.) Ulysses S Grant name changed when he sign into West Point. Real name Hiram Ulysses Grant, so he have S in name and not know what it for, but he kick lot ass. Harry Truman add S to name ‘cause think presidents need middle initial, but Washington, Jefferson, Millard Fillmore, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, etc. – no middle names.

No middle name is fine. Like ancient Rush song say, “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” You kitten can always add middle name later. Probably choose Tiberius, then annoy fans when middle initial R is used on fake tombstone. Maybe rotate names throughout he life. As child, Quinn Spongebob. As teen, Quinn Wolverine. In college, Quinn Kirkagard (or Dick Van Patten). Eventually, he in rocking chair as Quinn Matlock – and by then, you dead and buried in grave of you own, hopefully with flesh of enemies still under foreclaw nails.

So why worry? You have more important things worry about. No ask anybody – not rest of tribe, not idiot friends, not even Mok. Quinn not care about anything but getting to teet when he get here anyway.

In that way, he already much like Mok.

Hope this you help.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Recap: Palin-Biden Debate

Blurgs, Hairless Man-Apes!

Is Ookla, here give post-debate analysis in answer viewer question. Ookla watch whole debate, except last fifteen minutes which only listened. Had to go in other room of cave, just have audio only. Was too painful.

First, found eyes of Joe Biden distracting, have work done and look like Gemini. You see side-by-side? You see. Yes.

Now, you friend Ookla no can stand Gemini. One too many close calls with Thundarr. But think Biden won debate. No can see how even big-forehead man Paul Begala say lady "accomplished goals." Is whole world upside down like after runaway comet?

Biden big, walking blowhard, yet she no call him on any him things -- also, she supposedly big moose hunter. Where she gun? Current vice president at least shoot man in face. Ookla have high hopes he get see this time, but no gun, no sword, not even punchy-punch.

Ookla think it just 'cause Palin attractive to puny men. They all so blowdried and made-up now, they act like sissies when see real man -- even if is woman. Palin all talkie-talk. What happen to lady from convention? Think old man who no can lift Sun Sword over head fill her head with all word-words. Where was call for blood of enemies, Ookla ask as example.

Talkie young Obama complain McCain no mention "middle-class" in debate, so he lose. Now, Ookla not understand, because he only know few words to speak and yet SURE he win any debate.

Anyway, Ookla take up challenge. No hear following words in debate: entrails, flay, sever, decapitate, brains, murder, destroy, vengeance, pound, burn, castrate -- or even good old fashioned bluuuuuuuuuuurgh!

Biden way ahead on points, but then even he blow at last minute, get all weepy-weepy. That must is why he no take going bald like man, get fur-plugs, cap teeth. Bluuuuuuurgh! Ookla know this not sit well with metrosexual crowd, but not CARE to see man cry -- or woman. Mok not even have tear ducts. Well, take that back: have, but in ceremony week after birth, moile burns out. Yes, moile. Done at same time as circumcision.

Moks all Jewish, why you surprised? Oh, Ookla not look Jewish? That not right. Sammy Davis Jr. not look Jewish, either.

By the way, Ookla not get ONE Rosh Hashanna card.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Ookla Debate #1 Recap

Blurgs, pathetic-muscled humans.

Is Ookla, you favorite pundit-Mok.

Just watched debate, and take notes (mostly X's) on wall -- carved into wall with claws. All so mushy-mush. Kickpushed seven televisions out window while watching. Did mostly because no can stand browny-brown hair man Jim Lehrer.

Look, you know and Ookla know truth: Lehrer not amount to dragon turd without MacNeil. MacNeil carry whole show for years; now Gwen Ifill carry Lehrer.

And tell you something else: Lehrer no fool nobody with super-brown dyed hair. All fakey-fake. Plus, face puffy, look no like man. Look more like Alice from Brady Bunch.

Anyway, debate was stupid. That bottom line. Hear all spinny-spin after.

McCain at least no look so whitey-white in skin. Know he have spell of age or something on him, but seem better tonight. Look only in mid-90's, ha ha. Obama, all stumble-stumble, so that not good for him. Ookla admit he find self missing Ross Perot. Little man always funny -- and look tasty, be able to devour all in one bite.

Also, Perot have folksy metaphors, "Get under hood, fix car, make go vroom," and like. No get that tonight. Get some yappy and challenging.

Ookla angry not see any blood. Not one drop! So angry, but can't threaten or Secret Service hassle Ookla.

Bottom line is still same: Ookla not vote for either man. Ookla vote for Thundarr. Not even care that Thundarr no polling above 1%, going to "throw vote away."

You want Mok answer to terrorism? Ookla tell you. Go into every country that look at you crossways, and smash things down to tiny pieces size of gooseberries. Smash, smash, kill, kill, kill. That Ookla answer.

Oh, and torture? Boohoo! No let anyone tell you torture no work. Ookla tell you from experience, you want intelligence, you do this way: bite one finger off at time. Tell you one thing, never need get to second thumb and man start singing like Tammy Wynette.

Ookla watch more coverage now. Already angry at stupid talkie-talkers, but still watch, better to report back you loyal reader.


What Wear to Debate?


Tonight, I have to speak in a very important debate tonight. What suit & tie combo would you recommend?



Blurgs AAG Jr.,

First, you repeat self, say, "tonight...tonight." That stupid. No do in debate, okay?


As for clothes, you look Ookla, okay? What you see? Only wear loin cloth, that right. Less mean more, you hear that expression? Well, it stupid, yes. Someone try give Ookla half yak for dinner and tell is more than full yak, Ookla take balance of meat out of he ass. But kind of true this way: You wear less clothes, show off more body, and voters follow. You no wear stupid piece of cloth around neck. Come out in no more clothes than Thundarr, and you be winner -- unless you all flabby-flab in first place. Then you deserve lose.


Ookla Hear Comment on Debate...

"Crypt Keeper is doing pretty well."

Why No Thundarr Movie?

Dear Ookla,

I always hear that there's a Thundarr movie in the works, but then the buzz fades away? What gives? Is Princess Ariel holding out for more money?

Your in Loving Sorcery,
The Evil Wizard Uncle Sabian.

Blurgs Uncle,

You question Ookla hear often, so tired of hearing he swear gnaw lips off next man what ask. Since you ask over email, though, you safe -- and Ookla tell.

Ariel into role -- willing take any role, to tell you truth. She put on real weight after show end, go into downward spiral like Grace Lee Whitney. Do some soft core breathy-breathy films. You find on YouTube.

Thundarr own all original rights is problem, and not want let anyone else play role -- but he all tubby too. No longer "lift Sun Sword" so easily, if you know what Mok mean.

But Ookla, he always game for movie. Suggest pilot, swear can carry whole show -- not like baby-hand sissy Ohio-boy in R*A*D*A*R -- but networks execs no bite. Maybe that 'cause Ookla bite them first. Not know. Hollywood types all gabby-gabby. No can trust.

Hope this answer you question, and thank you writing Ookla.


How Crisis Compare to Runaway Moon?

Dear Ookla,
How does this financial crisis compare to the crisis in 1994, when a runaway planet hurtled between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction?
Gemini the Evil Wizard

Blurgs GEW,

See you put on all nicey-nicey face for you ask question, not angry face what sound like low-rent Fred Flintstone -- later seasons, too, with stupid Gazoo. Jump shark, and no cool shark with laser beams on head.

Stupid two-faced Gemini never be nobody without runaway planet, probably be car salesman -- ha ha. They two-faced, too.

Ookla no like Gemini, since can no even Blurgh when Gemini around. Not know why. Must be magic.

Run away planet clearly caused by Wonder Woman she Invisible Jet. Sound same. Ookla watch opening credits many time.

Wall Street flooded after calamity, and man stupid weak society cast in ruin. This crisis not nothing compare that, despite what Al Gore say all worry floody-flood. Not that Mok like water, but also not think doughy beard shouty-man can to fix. Him not even wizard.

Anyway, Gemini, maybe you come over Ookla cave we talk more -- ha ha. You come alone, no weapons, just to talk. You try? Good. Hope you enjoy feel of Sun Sword enema.

Yours Blurghly,